a trip down memory lane

I’ve never been a huge fan of Facebook but I have an account — like most other people these days — and I’ve had it ever since they opened it to the public. Can’t say that I’ve found many ‘long lost friends’ or that I use it very much to keep in contact with my friends back home either.

The other day, when I ‘d written that long blog here … one year ~ one sentence … later I checked out things in FB, and noticed that someone had started a group — you know one of those «you know you are from **** if you…», for my hometown! The woman who started it is still in disbelief because just a few days have gone by and there are already more than 1,400 members. People keep posting like crazy, sharing old memories, photos and newspaper clips. I’ve never had this much fun in Facebook ever before. I don’t know them all — in many of the cases I would probably know their parents, but still. I uploaded the group photo from my confirmation. I didn’t know many of the people in the picture, but I tagged the few I did remember. Some guy came in and said ‘that’s me, to the far right in the third row’! He remembered them all, so he helped out with tagging.

I think this group may be even more fun for me because I’m so far away from there. I’ve been reminded of people and places I haven’t thought about for aeons!

On a different note, have you ever found yourself liking a picture even though you can’t say why? I took this the other day … no idea why I took it but the more I look at it, the more I like it somehow.

22 thoughts on “a trip down memory lane”

  1. Definitely have had that experience, really liking a photo and no clue why.

    Here I like your photo — because I because those two brown lumps suggest hippos. Okay, I know they AREN’T hippos, which are rare in Saint John’s. But hippos are an association with Dylan Thomas’s A Child’s Christmas in Wales (not many hippos in Wales either), and I love that book which we read aloud every Christmas time, and so — (It’s my train of association, and I’m riding it!) — I like your photo. Aren’t you sorry you asked?

    Have fun on Facebook, that’s the kind of situation it’s ideal for!

    1. Ha! wonderful … real hippos are very rare in Saint John but I love the thought.

      It’s the first time I’ve experienced anything even remotely fun there..

  2. Hi,
    Sounds like someone came up with the ideal group on facebook, I think that’s great being able to get in touch with people you haven’t heard from in many years.

    The photo looks busy, all the reflections in the water gives it that illusion I feel, the more you look at the photo, the more you expect to see, very unusual.

  3. I like the photo, too. Lots of interesting stuff going on, yet one gets the feeling that this is a peaceful place with maybe a picnic area just out of range of this shot. Lovely.
    And as for FB, I’ve reconnected with dozens of folks from my school days (and I am a few years older than you!), going as far back as first grade. I don’t keep up with everyone, and once the excitement of finding each other wears off, we don’t communicate that much . . . any of us . . . because our lives have taken different twists and turns. But we now remember each others’ birthdays or special events. If something is going on in the hometown, we relay the info. Reunions (which I never attend) are announced. It’s nice, but I can’t say as I live on FB. Anyway, it does have its positives. As usual, your post got me to thinking and reminiscing. Enjoy your day.

    1. Cecelia,
      You nailed it… I think it’s that feeling of being a peacful place that appealed to me.

      The excitement about this group will fade, for sure, but it’s fun while it lasts 🙂 I’ve never been to a reunion either..

  4. The photo has depth and expectation, in my view.
    FB I have a love/hate relationship. I deactivate as much as I activate…there are some people who just post inane stuff. I guess I could unfriend them. I did that in 2010…I unfriended about 300 people. I did not know them anyway.

    1. I too, have a love/hate relationship with FB. Mainly because he seems to be striving for world domination or something. I have a mix of online buddies and real life people, but not so many.

  5. I hope that this does not mean that you are going to forsake us for Facebook. Speaking just for myself ( but feel sure that others will agree) we cannot possibly be without you. Your pictures are too good to miss, the beauty, the nature and my ‘screen-saver’ pictures

    on the other hand I am pleased that you have made contact with others from your country

    1. Oh no, Patrecia …. I love this blogging thing, and the excitement will fade away in that group. Just enjoying it while it lasts.
      Thank you so much for your kind words about my photos 🙂

  6. That is the lovely thing about photographs. You can analyze them and check the histogram and make sure the white balance is just right, etc., and then you go and fall in love with the picture that is all “wrong”!

    I think, always go with your gut…

    1. True!
      I feel that I should use the histogram function more often. The WB I’ve set to Cloudy almost always outside. I find it difficult to set the WB at night, when there are street lights.

  7. The photo just speaks to you. I think sometimes some of mine remind me of past things. Some I can’t quite put my finger on. That group sounds really fun. The one I was in was fun too but because it was public every single thing in a thread showed up in my feed. I got complaints so I took it off. Too bad but there was no place to send a message to in the group.

    1. this group is public too, so I guess everything shows up. Haven’t thought about that until now. Nothing much I can do about it. They’ll just have to take me off. FB can be such a pain in the derrier..

  8. I took a bunch of pictures on my in London that I’m still curious about. I don’t know why I took them or what I was thinking, but they are interesting. 🙂

    I love your shot – its like we’re peeking into a secret place.

  9. What a cool group to set up and one that’s turned out to be so popular for so many people – that’s the positive side of FB that I like! Like you say, it will probably fade, so enjoy it while you can.
    Your photo gives me a feeling that we are peeking in on a secret place somehow, and that the place could tell a few stories! Nice.
    Not long now before you leave Rebekah, you must be getting excited. We are here already but the English weather is not being kind – lots of rain.Quite mild though, so that’s a bonus because I thought it would be colder. Driving up to Scotland tomorrow, so probably a different story up there!

    1. Barb,
      How wonderful that you have arrived safe and sound! That place probably has a few stories to tell …if you ask my husband! It’s like a long … cove that goes in somehow, and I sometimes, jokingly refer to it as Scapa Flow *LOL*. When the water is high, the trees are out in the water.

      Ten days left now, and the closer it gets the more excitement. That FB group came in really timely, I might see many of them while I’m there!

      I’m so looking forward to seeing your photos later… I forget the name of your hometown in Scotland?! I think it started with a P…

  10. Time to catch up!!! Being gone for 5 days and on the run, things fall by the wayside.

    I belong to several groups on FB. There is Falun group. People have shared old old photos of long ago times when we were not even born. And we have all learned so much. And we had a reunion get-together. What fun!! There is a Lindsborg Nostalgia group that is much the same, but no reunion. Oh, the memories of bygone times. And I have become aquainted with people I remember but were never friends with. Now we are good friends! I pretty much love FB. I follow some political things, some thoughtful things, sports teams, etc.

    1. Julie-Ann,
      Catching up too.
      This is pretty much the same as you describe — I’ve also become acquainted with people I didn’t really know well before. It’s quite amazing.

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