Weekly Photo Challenge: Round

This is an old photo from 2005, while we still lived in Quebec. We had raccoons coming to our back porch each night — we had no neighbours so I used to put out a little something for them. Before 2004, I’d never seen a raccoon in real life. The first time I looked a raccoon in the eyes, it was Love!

Here, we’d decided that Elmer, as we’d named him, should experience a little Hallowe’en spirit, so we put a few marshmallows inside the pumpkin and put it out there. This picture was shot through a glass door, so it’s a little photoshopped to get rid of the glare from the flash.

Two years later … here he’s just lifting off the cover of the pumpkin, with his little hands.

And here — he’s really going for the marshmallows! 


I miss the raccoons. Thought Elmer’s and the pumpkin’s rounded shape would do well for this week’s photo topic.