Photos of Yesterday

Peregrine Falcon

This morning, I slept two hours longer than usual and I still don’t feel fully awake. I won’t write any blog, just post this picture. Getting a picture of this raptor made my day.

We were in Pokiok, my husband’s old stomping grounds. I noticed a different bird [not a crow] was sitting on a pin in a hydro tower far away. Too far away, both for the eye and for the lens. Since Gerry knows his way around there very well, he knew how to get much closer to the hydro tower, so we took a chance! Maybe the bird would still be there, when we’d driven around, and he was! He sat there and looked down at me. I could even find myself a tree to steady up my camera against.

This is the same kind of bird that once sat down on our balcony. Only difference is that he was a juvenile.

Oh, and the croci were fully out now too … in the same spot as I’ve seen them now for the third year.

17 thoughts on “Photos of Yesterday”

      1. my photographer friend would say it's not the camera it's the eye behind it. And you have a good eye for sure. although a good camera does help, it's the person who looks through the lens that makes the difference. Your bird pictures are incredible. You have one of a chickadee that is one of the best I've seen so.keep up the good work.
        walk in beauty.

        1. Thank you so much, Joceline…these are heartwarming words. I think most of the time it's what's behind the camera, but then again …. I wouldn't have gotten all these bird shots without the long lens.
          Love my camera 🙂

  1. Great shot of the Peregrine Falcon Rebeka – you were lucky he was still there after driving closer to the spot! The crocus look like they are glowing from the inside, don't they? Gorgeous flower and a good sign that spring has sprung!

    1. Barb,
      There are quite a few Peregrine Falcon around the city. Many of them live underneath the bridge, I've been told.
      Yeah, the crocus look glowing … love the colour!

  2. The photos are so beautiful, once again I say this and I wanted to ask you a question about uploading a photo from my computer. Today I could not get the color photo to insert into the blog. So I have a blank box on my page. Is there some secret to color photos?

    1. Linda,
      No 🙂 no secrets there. I went there and looked. Clicked on the empty box. The photo came up. What comes to mind is that you need to resize it. It's enormous. Could be that, that causes it… when you click on it, you see the cursor turns into a +sign. click again, and you'll see how large it is…

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