Never before have so many with so little to say said so much to so few

I read that statement the other day in Facebook, and it was with regards to blogging. This morning, it almost feels that way. Bringing up the «New Post» box here, without a plan … no idea what to write about. But then again … what the heck — I never promised anything about this blog except «small talk», and that’s what it is, so I guess I’m true to myself in that respect.

It feels so good to wake up because I’m rested instead of waking up to the alarm clock. After all these years of not working, I still think of it.

Speaking of ‘all these years’, I noticed that Flickr turns seven years today! Seven!!! I can’t believe how time flies! I signed up there 2005. Our cat McDuff will also turn 7 this year, but not until November 22. Gerry, my husband, tells me now this morning, that McDuff came up to us in bed last night. That’s very unusual. I was too deep asleep to even notice.

Here’s a blue jay from yesterday’s batch of photos. Someone had put out all kinds of snacks by the bird feeders … I saw little, salty crackers, french fries and stuff like that.

The squirrels in the park seem to have turned into picky eaters … they kept checking all this stuff out, but didn’t pick up any of it!

The blue jay picked up one french fry and then took off. The beauty of this bird never ceases to amaze me. What gorgeous design and colors!

About the DailyPost-project … Every day they send out topic suggestions. They are just that … suggestions. The ones that appeal to me, I save in my drafts folder and use them when I’m really stuck for ideas. OR, if I really feel like writing about it right away — like the other day, about being without the Internet.

Yesterday, I turned my books back in to the library, and was lucky enough to find another one by Nicholas Sparks. «The Choice». Last night, when I went into Goodreads to fill out the form, I started reading the reviews. Noticed that many people had written negative reviews about these books … that made me so surprised because I love them so much. Guess it surprised me that not all people think and react the same way as I do … LOL. Another thing that surprises me is that no one has made a plug-in for Goodreads here in WordPress. Normally there are plug-ins for anything you could imagine. I wish I could write code!

This gull was looking very majestic there on top of a snow pile, so I decided he should have his picture taken. I’ve read somewhere that birds don’t feel the cold the same way as we do … and I believe that to be true — otherwise those webby feet would be very frozen. I think it’s a Herring Gull.

Enough small talk for today! Happy Friday, everyone!

10 thoughts on “Never before have so many with so little to say said so much to so few”

  1. I haven't seen a singe blue jay around my feeders all winter. It's strange because there were tons this summer, and I didn't think that they migrated. I hope that they come back in the spring. At least I never have to worry about left overs under my feeder. The Mallards take care of all of that.

  2. That's a bit unusual about the squirrels. From my experience, they are anything but picky eaters. Maybe your squirrels are getting spoiled. :o)

  3. It's a great statement, and so true here; I sometimes wonder what to talk about even though I'm only doing the postaweek challenge! Thank goodness for the Daily Topic suggestions is all I can say!
    I love your bird photographs, especially the blue jay, he is so pretty!

  4. I'd love to hear what the blue jay sounds like!
    Yes, we have lots of birds and wildlife round where I live, that's why we love it here so much. We are in the country on 2.5 acres, although only 5 minutes drive to the beach, so we have the best of both worlds on our doorstep.

    Kookaburras are very common here, they wake me up most mornings with their cackling! We have sulphur crested cockatoos, black red tailed cockatoos, galahs and many more species of parrots and birds.
    Kangaroos come into our yard most mornings. We have lizards, goannas and snakes (I could do without the snakes)!

    I will be writing about many of these creatures as my blog progresses, so watch out!

    1. Somehow, the kookaburras were in my mind when I wrote that question LOLHow extremely cool to see kangaroos in ones own yard!!! 🙂 Looking forward to reading ..

  5. You know today I couldn't think of anything to say on my blog either, so I linked back to some earlier blogs and then I promised a couple of subjects that I would soon blog about. How's that for being a lazy blogger? I had forgotten how beautiful the blue jay is. Here we only have the Western Scrub Jay, a more modest looking cousin.–Inger

  6. I love both those photos. Birds do feel some change in the temperature. I notice my juncos and gold finches will puff up as large as they can when it is cold. And all my birds in the summer when it is extremely hot will sit with their beaks hanging open. They look miserable. They may not feel miserable, but they look it. And in the summer if I have a small water sprinkler, they go nuts in it!!! have to do that this coming warm weather.

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