it’s a snow day

… and yesterday, it was nice like this — the calm before the storm, I guess one could say.

Woke up to a Winter Wonderland, but there was no surprise effect as there was so much talk about this ‘storm’ all night on TV yesterday. We’re the lucky ones as we don’t have to go or drive anywhere — here in Canada, Thanksgiving is all over. We’ll just bundle up inside. I just brought a piece of meat out of the freezer, because today I’m going to make kalops — the Swedish meat stew that I’ve mentioned in this blog before. This link, however, gives a very good description of it [will open in a new tab/window]. The anchovies brine, I won’t include now though. I’ve found that the little cans of anchovies that I buy here, contain hardly any brine at all and it’s very different from what I’m used to. Besides, I can’t taste any difference in the finished Kalops.

Also bought two bags of cranberries the other day, so I’ll cook some Lingonberry Jam from that. The Cranberry is just a bigger Lingon.

Cooking, is no great interest of mine … but I like to eat, though! Every now and then I pull myself together and make something in the kitchen — today seems to be a good day for that.