North American Chanterelles

These mushrooms … chanterelles, I’ve missed since I came here. Have obviously not missed them enough to go out in the forest to look for them. They’re probably there, but they’re elusive — I’ve only found four (4 !!!) of them in my whole life. Fortunately, I’ve known many moose hunters, who have been kind enough to give me this ‘gold of the forest’.

They are delicious!!! You can just fry them in real butter with a little salt and pepper, and eat them on a piece of crisp. OR, you can make cream sauce with chanterelles in it … put on an omelette or serve it with a nice slice of beef.

I’ve seen the dried version in the stores, but never tried them. So … imagine my surprise when I laid eyes on the fresh version in Costo of all places! $10 for approximately one litre and they came from California.

We went for it, today we bought two, large slices of sirloin beef steak and I cooked a chantarelle sauce with it. They were much larger than any chanterelle I’ve ever seen in Sweden and did perhaps not have as aromatic taste but still … they were really, really delicious! It was a first for Gerry, but he liked them too.

15 thoughts on “North American Chanterelles”

  1. Yum — I don’t think I’ve ever seen them in “real life,” only in photos.
    But if I should happen to — what would I do with them????? As simple as frying them in butter, like you say?

    1. It’s when you do that … just fry them, that you really get the best taste, I think. A cream sauce, like I did today, is really good too. I have some left that I’m going to have on an omelette tomorrow. The thick, whipping cream does something wonderful to their aromatic taste..

  2. Never seen them here. I like mushrooms on my sallad but once they are cooked, I do not like them. The texture to me is not good. But I am glad you found them. And no hunting for them!!!

    1. It was! 🙂

      I suspected they did, but never went out looking for them while we lived there. They nature was so similar to home, so I figured they got to be there.. The ones growing wild are always tastier than the grown stuff.

  3. I’ve never heard of these mushrooms Rebekah. I love mushrooms and wouldn’t mind trying them, but don’t think we can get them here. I’ll have to take your word how good they taste!

    1. Barb,
      I only eat the ordinary ones [champignon?], normally but these ones are so special. Back home they also sell them in cans, like they do with regular mushrooms everywhere else. They really should introduce them globally 🙂

      In Sweden, this time, I even saw Campbell’s Soup with chanterelle! If Campbells can produce that for the Swedish market, I think they should take a chance and try it elsewhere too.

  4. Härliga, vackra och goda svampar, dom har faktiskt allt och luktar dessutom gott och är nästan aldrig angripna 🙂
    Jag åt rätt mycket när det var säsong för ingenting går upp mot de första man äter. Har mycket i frysen, behändigt att ta fram under den långa vintern 🙂

    1. Jaa, jag har alltid älskat kantareller, men aldrig hittat några själv!

      Var nära att jag köpte en ny förpackning i dag, men de hade gott om dem så jag väntar ett tag 🙂

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